(This story is from our archives of NextStep Magazine. The Magazine has since been renamed to AIC With You)

Exercising in the comfort of home
Jing Tap showing Mdm Shamsiah how to use the TeleRehab service. He is holding a wearable sensor to be placed around her neck.


Why Smart Health TeleRehab?

This service is suitable for those who are recovering from medical conditions such as stroke and fractures, and helps to speed up recovery. With TeleRehab, physiotherapists may prescribe exercises for clients to do on their own at home and review their progress. This saves time, money and effort as it may be difficult for them to travel to the hospital frequently for therapy.


Is this suitable for any senior?

TeleRehab involves the use of a computer tablet. The programme is more suitable for those who are able to operate the tablet and follow exercise instructions, which are kept simple. Exercises may be done standing, sitting or lying down, depending on seniors’ needs. They may exercise with the help of a caregiver or independently.


How does Smart Health TeleRehab work?

Exercising in the comfort of home 2

Users first put on a wearable sensor on their neck and targeted limb to be exercised. The sensors track whether the exercises are done correctly and the system provides immediate feedback to users.

Exercising in the comfort of home 3

Users will then follow the exercise video demonstrations and instructions on the tablet (right half of screen). Meanwhile, the tablet tracks and records the exercise session (left half of screen). Physiotherapists review the recording when seniors visit the rehabilitation centre.

Meet a Smart Health TeleRehab User!

After I had a stroke last year, I couldn’t stand up or walk. I was referred to St Luke’s Hospital for rehabilitation and had therapy there about two to three times a week. A month later, my physiotherapist, Jing Tap, asked me if I wanted to exercise through Smart Health TeleRehab at home. I thought, why not?

I use it at home three times a week, for half an hour per session. The screen shows simple steps which I can easily follow, and I like that it has a Malay language option so I can understand the instructions. It also motivates me to keep up with my exercises. After regular sessions at the rehab centre and at home, I can now stand up and use a walking stick to move about. I encourage others to use the service as I have made good progress in my recovery thanks to it.


Why you should consider Smart Health TeleRehab

  1. You can do the recommended exercises at your own time at home. You don’t need to travel to the rehab centre or hospital for multiple sessions.
  2. The device is simple and easy to use. There are instructions on where the wearable sensors should go for each exercise.
  3. On-screen instructions are available in five languages – English, Mandarin, Bahasa Melayu, Tamil and Tagalog.
  4. It comes with videos to show you how to do the exercises correctly. No more worries about forgetting how to do them!
  5. Your therapist can monitor your progress from his office anytime, and make changes to your exercises when needed.
  6. The therapy is personalised for you, e.g. how many times you need to do an action, how long to hold each exercise position, etc.

Visit www.ihis.com.sg/telerehab to find out more!

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